9th October 2012 Presentation by CEAS on the key themes and requirements for PI insurance for Structural Engineering firms and projects.
17:30pm Room is 3.404, Auckland University, Engineering Block. Meet in foyer for beer/wine and pizzas. (lecture to start at 18:00)
Topics presented will include:
- Risk Management
- What are engineers liable for?
- Who will sue them?
- How can this be managed?
- When a Problem Occurs
- What happens (case histories)
- Insurance process
- Insurance policies, types and features
David Cook and Jim Dobbie are consulting engineers. David is a civil-structural engineer with over 40 years' experience and is a life member of IPENZ.
Jim Dobbie is a mechanical engineer with 16 staff and offices in Auckland and Rotorua. Dobbie Engineers has won the ACENZ Gold Award for innovation and excellence and the NZ Engineering Excellence Award (sustainability and clean technology).
Both David and Jim are on the Board of Management of CEAS which is a risk management organisation for engineers that was established 45 years ago. David assists engineers who have claims.